

Cura pelle non significa semplicemente truccare le varie parti del viso per mettere in evidenza alcuni dettagli o per nasconderne altri.Skin care is not just a tool to protect or take care your skin in various parts of the face. It helps to reveal some details or hide a scar from others. Una buona cura della pelle avviene in tre semplici mosse: A good skin care is done in three easy steps. They are cleansing, moisturizing and makeup.

Detersione – La pulizia del viso è un'azione molto importante, sia per chi si trucca e per chi no. Cleansing – This step is very important. In everyday life, you have to face with pollution, smog, dust La pelle infatti non trattiene solamente residui cosmetici, ma anche particelle di smog, polvere, sudore e cellule morte che inevitabilmente si trovano sulla pelle.and dead cells that are inevitably on the skin. Una buona detersione è il primo passo quotidiano importante da compiere. A good cleansing is the first important step to be taken daily.

Idratazione – La pelle è sottoposta continuamente ad agenti esterni, in grado di compromettere la giusta idratazione della pelle. Hydration - The skin is continually subjected to external things, which may directly effect to the skin hydration. Aria fredda e secca d'inverno, ambienti interni eccessivamente riscaldati, alimentazione povera di liquidi e cibi freschi possono nel tempo diminuire il grado di idratazione el'elasticità della pelle. Cold and dry air in winter, indoor heated excessively, poor nutrition liquids and fresh foods can reduce the degree of skin hydration and elasticity. Buona norma è quindi assumere una dieta ricca di liquidi e cibi freschi ed impiegare i prodotti giusti per mantenere la pelle idratata, elastica e fresca. Therefore, to adopt a diet of liquids and fresh foods and use the right products to keep skin hydrated, supple and fresh are needed.

Cosmesi – Chi si prende cura della propria pelle potrà infine opzionalmente decidere di impiegare cosmetici per valorizzare ed evidenziare (o per nascondere) alcuni dettagli del viso e del corpo. Cosmetics – People who take care of skin can then optionally decide to use cosmetics to enhance and highlight (or hide) some details of the face and body. I prodotti esistenti per il trucco sono tantissimi, specifici per le varie parti del viso, disponibili in vari materiali per rispondere alle varie esigenze della pelle e, ovviamente, in tantissimi colori per poter soddisfare le proprie necessità di immagine. La cura delle pelle inizia sempre con una buona detersione quotidiana. Existing products in the market are a lot of make-up, specific to the problem of the face. It’s available in many materials to meet the needs of the skin and there are lots of colors to suit your image. Skincare always begins with a good daily cleansing.

Tips and Recipe For Taking Care Who Has Dry Skin Type

Dry skin cannot be overlooked because it can cause damage to the upper layer of the skin and give it a very bad one. The factors of having dry skin include dry climate, hormonal changes, too much exfoliation and treatment of skin diseases. In addition, drought can be the one to make you got a skin dry. Whatever the reason is, skin care is very important (but not hard to deal with). 


Dry skin care’ should start with moisturizers because it’s the most effective medication for dry skin. Normally, moisturizers are classified into 2 types which depending on how they divided ‘dry skin care’.

The first type includes moisturizers that keep moisture lock in the skin such as Vaseline. These moisturizers are relatively inexpensive (in grocery stores).

The second type is moisturizers that functioning by pulling moisture from the environment and feeding it to the skin. This is a very effective way for ‘dry skin care’ in humid conditions. The moisturizers are also known as humectants. For people who have dry skin type, you must use moisturizer for standard and free of grease, to the extent possible. Components in the moisturizers should have humectant propylene glycol, urea, glycerol, hyaluronic acid, etc.

Dry skin care’ object is not only moisturizing but also to use it properly. The useful of ‘dry skin care procedure’ is better to clean the skin before applying moisturizer. You can make your ‘dry skin care’ recipe which is more effective by applying the moisturizer while the skin is still damp (after cleansing). In addition, you should soap products (especially face, neck and shoulders) for better outcome. Scrub your skin can help who has a dry skin type, by removing dead skin cells. But, don’t rub it too hard. You should use sun protection and avoid too much or excessive exposure to direct sunlight (just use an umbrella / hat, etc.).  Moreover, using of sunscreen before you go outside. There are several moisturizers products which provide sun protection with dry skin.

You also use natural products for ‘dry skin care’ i.e. products that offer ‘dry skin care’ in a natural way (without chemicals). These dry skin care products offer lipid improvements to the skin and moisturize the skin to help keeping the balance. Another important thing for ‘dry skin care’ is the temperature of water you use for bathing and washing face with warm water. Do not use too hot or too cold water since it can cause dryness too.

You should use ‘dry skin care’ with being gentle and avoid products which containing alcohol. So, after a face wash, do not rub the towel on your face, just gently pat it to absorb water.

Overall, dry skin care is really easily for anyone who takes that seriously.

Tip with honey

Apply honey on your face

Honey totally clears up acne quicker than any cosmetics items you can buy. And no matter how often you use it. It doesn't destroy your face; for example, it doesn't dry out your face.
The reason that honey works is because honey has natural anti-septic factors that washes out the skin.

You should do this once a day as follows:

1. Buy a bottle of honey, make sure that it's natural honey. A bottle of honey lasts about sixth months.

2. Clean your face with water and anti bacterial soap 

3. Put a teaspoon of honey into a small microwave safe container.

4. Put into microwave for about 5 seconds. We do this because we want to make it a little more spreadable. 

5. Take a make up brush and dip it in the honey.

6. Apply it on your whole face.

7. Wait for about 5 min. (can be longer if you'd like)

8. Completely rinse face with water.

You do all these, we sure you can have a clear beautiful face.

The basic rules to keep your skin healthy

To have a smooth face and be beautiful, you must necessarily take account of the health of the skin that stress and strain of modern life put to the test. The aesthetic medicine treatments medicine and plastic surgery is not needed if the skin is not fit and has an especially problem. For example, it has lost luster and freshness. Let us start from here and give some valuable advice from those who want to restore their vigor and youth.

According to Dr. Cynthia Ventrice, cosmetologist at the IDI, Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata in Rome. To have a skin brighter and smoother face and body is synonymous with care and attention, especially of a psycho-physical balance. Today, it is possible to know their skin through the skin check-up, it is a non-invasive instrumental test by which we evaluate the parameters defining the biotype of skin (skin type) and cosmetic with a diagnosis that allows us to formulate a prescription targeted. The skin is the boundary with the outside world, and is subjected to actions that can lead to some changes and then alter the appearance and normal function. The basic rules to keep it healthy are three as follow:

1. Cleansing: targeted to your skin type that can be seborrhea, sensitive, typical. You must choose a cleansing that suitable for (liquid, milk and etc.). Since, it is the first act that responnses the physiology of the skin.
2. The hydration: keeps your skin tropism ensuring the hydro-lipid film not to be altered, and thus preserve the security function. The choice of moisturizer is made according to skin type, age and various imperfections present.
3. Photo protection: It’s very important that the sunscreen is present throughout the year, especially in skin types I-II with light skin. The protection function is to limit the damage caused by sunlight, or a photo-aging with the appearance of dark spots and the presence of fine lines, and no photosensitivity. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and freshness. This leaded to the cycles of peeling skin which have the function of removing the most superficial stratum corneum, improving and restoring that dull the skin radiance and firmness. The skin treated with peels is definitely more sensitive to the light. The photo-protection is very important to ensure that there are photosensitive.

Peeling can be associated to other treatments such as bio-stimulation with the hyperbaric oxygen that favors an improvement of cellular metabolism, resulting in activation of the capillary, and bio-stimulation by transdermal which delivery of active ingredients (vitamins and hyaluronic acid). All of these treatments promote the skin hydration, without them you could have a healthy skin and shiny.
Our skin is still cured from within. So, the recommended of Dotoressa Vetrice is the use of food supplements that allow you to defend the body against free radicals and thus aging general. Like you should be given vitamin C because it’s the major antioxidant required for growth and repair of tissues. It is essential to the formation of collagen and protects the skin from damage caused by sun exposure. Vitamin C for topical use seems to be able to protect the skin against the damage of exposure to UVA-UVB rays. It has an antioxidant, brightening, firming, stimulating the growth of fibroblasts and synthesis of new collagen. A tip for those targeted then, in this period, going on holiday to exotic places where the sun could be particularly aggressive.
With exposure to the sun there are important precautions to be taken to avoid photosensitivity, sunburn, exposure and incorrect assumption of photosensitive drugs. The UVA-UVB rays are harmful to the epidermis and dermis. It is therefore necessary to prepare with an intake of supplements containing beta carotene at least two months before exposure. Topical creams applied (high and medium), avoid the hottest hours. After applying the exposure of so-called after-sun creams, exert its soothing and restorative.

Greater attention will be crucial for skin types I-II-skinned. These people must first take the supplements for extra protection, and exposure to the sun too long. The use of supplements, of course not rule out the application of sunscreen.
Protect, defend and hold the skin in good condition is a function that must be supported by reliable tests, and a custom program, differentiating the use of home care products skin cosmetics. In addition, it is important to observe the sanitation of life, concludes Cynthia Ventrice, which are the basis of prevention in aging general, so conducting a proper and healthy lifestyle.

*Skin type I: usually have white, very fair, many freckles, always burns but never tans.
*Skin type II: have white, fair, usually burns but difficult to have tans. (

Diet for having good skin

When season change we feel the need to change skin. With the help of seasonal vegetables can follow a diet that will allow us to lose a few pounds, get back on line by giving brightness to the face and the skin around the body, preventing the appearance of the dreaded wrinkles.

The cold winter, wind and pollution constant dull to the skin, leaving it off and marked. The fresh seasonal vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins involved in the production of collagen giving the skin elasticity and firmness. The fibers induce satiety; we should limit in food intake, slowing the stomach intake of fats, sugars and calories, and help to cleanse the bowel.
The vegetables maintain stable blood glucose, or blood sugar, so the feeling of satiety is still a little longer. The fruit is a food which we is necessary for us.
Before coming to the table then you need to know what to choose and how to prepare. And good orientation in the choice of fruits and vegetables in season rather than first-fruits, if we know its provenance is even better, we give priority all'ortolano trust or to the products of organic farming. We buy the quantities that we believe we will be able to consume the next two day. Then, you begin to decline substances from which we benefit. The plants are grown in greenhouses out of season so they will not have the opportunity to develop antioxidants that we need (or are produced in smaller quantities), may be brought up with fertilizers or treated with preservatives or other substances that nullahanno to do with the world "natural". When we got home we wash everything well under running water, are also keen to soak. Some foods such as asparagus and artichokes, is Mantega longer if required to soak in a basin by way of flowers.

Now, we offer a diet of about 1300 calories a week will lose a few pounds and prevent aging.
The day includes breakfast for 200 ml of semi-skimmed milk and 30 grams of whole grains.
The mid-morning snack every day to 200 grams of fruit
By mid-afternoon as a snack carrots, fennel or tomato juice

Lunch 150 grams of potato dumplings served with tomato and basil, diced tomatoes, 150 chicken breast steamed and 200 grams of salad.
At a dinner of asparagus consommé, an omelet baked with an egg and spinach, boiled green beans side dish of steamed.

Lunch 60 grams of whole wheat pasta topped with 100 gtams of steamed zucchini flavored with mint, 60 grams of dried beef salad with lemon and lettuce and radicchio.
For dinner, a soup of dried beans cooked in shell, with a long-skinned, yellow squash, other vegetables including wild rye, 120 grams of beef tenderloin on the grill, salad of tomatoes and red onion.

Lunch 50 grams of rice topped with artichoke hearts, tomatoes and 150 grams of Jocca Piccadilly (60 grams) and a salad of onions cooked in the oven (250 grams).
For dinner, a soup of carrots and yellow squash (passed to the mixer), turkey (120 grams) roasted first soaked in white vinegar and juniper berries, asparagus side dish of boiled (300 grams).

At lunch pasta with tomato sauce, 80 grams of cottage cheese and tomatoes baked Piccadilly (60 grams), mixed salad (200 grams).
For dinner, vegetable soup, a burger made ​​of veal, fennel salad garnish (300 grams).

Lunch pasta (50 grams) with clams, hake or 160 grams of brotola stewed with tomatoes and capers, vinegar and oregano, lettuce and chicory.
For dinner, vegetable soup, fried squid seasoned with parsley and lemon juice, artichoke side dish of cooked (300 grams).

Lunch rice (50 grams) with vegetables, 160 grams of grilled chicken breast, mixed salad with tomato beef heart.
For dinner, a slice of pizza with vegetables, cherry tomatoes and arugula salad, a small blonde beer.

At lunch pasta with tomato and grilled eggplant, grilled steak 200 grams of baked potato.
For dinner, boiled lettuce, meatballs in broth (200 grams chopped) onions with carrots, celery, artichoke hearts boundary into thin slices marinated in lemon juice, garlic and parsley.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Cura pelle non significa semplicemente truccare le varie parti del viso per mettere in evidenza alcuni dettagli o per nasconderne altri.Skin care is not just a tool to protect or take care your skin in various parts of the face. It helps to reveal some details or hide a scar from others. Una buona cura della pelle avviene in tre semplici mosse: A good skin care is done in three easy steps. They are cleansing, moisturizing and makeup.

Detersione – La pulizia del viso è un'azione molto importante, sia per chi si trucca e per chi no. Cleansing – This step is very important. In everyday life, you have to face with pollution, smog, dust La pelle infatti non trattiene solamente residui cosmetici, ma anche particelle di smog, polvere, sudore e cellule morte che inevitabilmente si trovano sulla pelle.and dead cells that are inevitably on the skin. Una buona detersione è il primo passo quotidiano importante da compiere. A good cleansing is the first important step to be taken daily.

Idratazione – La pelle è sottoposta continuamente ad agenti esterni, in grado di compromettere la giusta idratazione della pelle. Hydration - The skin is continually subjected to external things, which may directly effect to the skin hydration. Aria fredda e secca d'inverno, ambienti interni eccessivamente riscaldati, alimentazione povera di liquidi e cibi freschi possono nel tempo diminuire il grado di idratazione el'elasticità della pelle. Cold and dry air in winter, indoor heated excessively, poor nutrition liquids and fresh foods can reduce the degree of skin hydration and elasticity. Buona norma è quindi assumere una dieta ricca di liquidi e cibi freschi ed impiegare i prodotti giusti per mantenere la pelle idratata, elastica e fresca. Therefore, to adopt a diet of liquids and fresh foods and use the right products to keep skin hydrated, supple and fresh are needed.

Cosmesi – Chi si prende cura della propria pelle potrà infine opzionalmente decidere di impiegare cosmetici per valorizzare ed evidenziare (o per nascondere) alcuni dettagli del viso e del corpo. Cosmetics – People who take care of skin can then optionally decide to use cosmetics to enhance and highlight (or hide) some details of the face and body. I prodotti esistenti per il trucco sono tantissimi, specifici per le varie parti del viso, disponibili in vari materiali per rispondere alle varie esigenze della pelle e, ovviamente, in tantissimi colori per poter soddisfare le proprie necessità di immagine. La cura delle pelle inizia sempre con una buona detersione quotidiana. Existing products in the market are a lot of make-up, specific to the problem of the face. It’s available in many materials to meet the needs of the skin and there are lots of colors to suit your image. Skincare always begins with a good daily cleansing.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tips and Recipe For Taking Care Who Has Dry Skin Type

Dry skin cannot be overlooked because it can cause damage to the upper layer of the skin and give it a very bad one. The factors of having dry skin include dry climate, hormonal changes, too much exfoliation and treatment of skin diseases. In addition, drought can be the one to make you got a skin dry. Whatever the reason is, skin care is very important (but not hard to deal with). 


Dry skin care’ should start with moisturizers because it’s the most effective medication for dry skin. Normally, moisturizers are classified into 2 types which depending on how they divided ‘dry skin care’.

The first type includes moisturizers that keep moisture lock in the skin such as Vaseline. These moisturizers are relatively inexpensive (in grocery stores).

The second type is moisturizers that functioning by pulling moisture from the environment and feeding it to the skin. This is a very effective way for ‘dry skin care’ in humid conditions. The moisturizers are also known as humectants. For people who have dry skin type, you must use moisturizer for standard and free of grease, to the extent possible. Components in the moisturizers should have humectant propylene glycol, urea, glycerol, hyaluronic acid, etc.

Dry skin care’ object is not only moisturizing but also to use it properly. The useful of ‘dry skin care procedure’ is better to clean the skin before applying moisturizer. You can make your ‘dry skin care’ recipe which is more effective by applying the moisturizer while the skin is still damp (after cleansing). In addition, you should soap products (especially face, neck and shoulders) for better outcome. Scrub your skin can help who has a dry skin type, by removing dead skin cells. But, don’t rub it too hard. You should use sun protection and avoid too much or excessive exposure to direct sunlight (just use an umbrella / hat, etc.).  Moreover, using of sunscreen before you go outside. There are several moisturizers products which provide sun protection with dry skin.

You also use natural products for ‘dry skin care’ i.e. products that offer ‘dry skin care’ in a natural way (without chemicals). These dry skin care products offer lipid improvements to the skin and moisturize the skin to help keeping the balance. Another important thing for ‘dry skin care’ is the temperature of water you use for bathing and washing face with warm water. Do not use too hot or too cold water since it can cause dryness too.

You should use ‘dry skin care’ with being gentle and avoid products which containing alcohol. So, after a face wash, do not rub the towel on your face, just gently pat it to absorb water.

Overall, dry skin care is really easily for anyone who takes that seriously.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tip with honey

Apply honey on your face

Honey totally clears up acne quicker than any cosmetics items you can buy. And no matter how often you use it. It doesn't destroy your face; for example, it doesn't dry out your face.
The reason that honey works is because honey has natural anti-septic factors that washes out the skin.

You should do this once a day as follows:

1. Buy a bottle of honey, make sure that it's natural honey. A bottle of honey lasts about sixth months.

2. Clean your face with water and anti bacterial soap 

3. Put a teaspoon of honey into a small microwave safe container.

4. Put into microwave for about 5 seconds. We do this because we want to make it a little more spreadable. 

5. Take a make up brush and dip it in the honey.

6. Apply it on your whole face.

7. Wait for about 5 min. (can be longer if you'd like)

8. Completely rinse face with water.

You do all these, we sure you can have a clear beautiful face.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The basic rules to keep your skin healthy

To have a smooth face and be beautiful, you must necessarily take account of the health of the skin that stress and strain of modern life put to the test. The aesthetic medicine treatments medicine and plastic surgery is not needed if the skin is not fit and has an especially problem. For example, it has lost luster and freshness. Let us start from here and give some valuable advice from those who want to restore their vigor and youth.

According to Dr. Cynthia Ventrice, cosmetologist at the IDI, Istituto Dermopatico dell'Immacolata in Rome. To have a skin brighter and smoother face and body is synonymous with care and attention, especially of a psycho-physical balance. Today, it is possible to know their skin through the skin check-up, it is a non-invasive instrumental test by which we evaluate the parameters defining the biotype of skin (skin type) and cosmetic with a diagnosis that allows us to formulate a prescription targeted. The skin is the boundary with the outside world, and is subjected to actions that can lead to some changes and then alter the appearance and normal function. The basic rules to keep it healthy are three as follow:

1. Cleansing: targeted to your skin type that can be seborrhea, sensitive, typical. You must choose a cleansing that suitable for (liquid, milk and etc.). Since, it is the first act that responnses the physiology of the skin.
2. The hydration: keeps your skin tropism ensuring the hydro-lipid film not to be altered, and thus preserve the security function. The choice of moisturizer is made according to skin type, age and various imperfections present.
3. Photo protection: It’s very important that the sunscreen is present throughout the year, especially in skin types I-II with light skin. The protection function is to limit the damage caused by sunlight, or a photo-aging with the appearance of dark spots and the presence of fine lines, and no photosensitivity. Over the years, the skin loses elasticity and freshness. This leaded to the cycles of peeling skin which have the function of removing the most superficial stratum corneum, improving and restoring that dull the skin radiance and firmness. The skin treated with peels is definitely more sensitive to the light. The photo-protection is very important to ensure that there are photosensitive.

Peeling can be associated to other treatments such as bio-stimulation with the hyperbaric oxygen that favors an improvement of cellular metabolism, resulting in activation of the capillary, and bio-stimulation by transdermal which delivery of active ingredients (vitamins and hyaluronic acid). All of these treatments promote the skin hydration, without them you could have a healthy skin and shiny.
Our skin is still cured from within. So, the recommended of Dotoressa Vetrice is the use of food supplements that allow you to defend the body against free radicals and thus aging general. Like you should be given vitamin C because it’s the major antioxidant required for growth and repair of tissues. It is essential to the formation of collagen and protects the skin from damage caused by sun exposure. Vitamin C for topical use seems to be able to protect the skin against the damage of exposure to UVA-UVB rays. It has an antioxidant, brightening, firming, stimulating the growth of fibroblasts and synthesis of new collagen. A tip for those targeted then, in this period, going on holiday to exotic places where the sun could be particularly aggressive.
With exposure to the sun there are important precautions to be taken to avoid photosensitivity, sunburn, exposure and incorrect assumption of photosensitive drugs. The UVA-UVB rays are harmful to the epidermis and dermis. It is therefore necessary to prepare with an intake of supplements containing beta carotene at least two months before exposure. Topical creams applied (high and medium), avoid the hottest hours. After applying the exposure of so-called after-sun creams, exert its soothing and restorative.

Greater attention will be crucial for skin types I-II-skinned. These people must first take the supplements for extra protection, and exposure to the sun too long. The use of supplements, of course not rule out the application of sunscreen.
Protect, defend and hold the skin in good condition is a function that must be supported by reliable tests, and a custom program, differentiating the use of home care products skin cosmetics. In addition, it is important to observe the sanitation of life, concludes Cynthia Ventrice, which are the basis of prevention in aging general, so conducting a proper and healthy lifestyle.

*Skin type I: usually have white, very fair, many freckles, always burns but never tans.
*Skin type II: have white, fair, usually burns but difficult to have tans. (

Friday, August 19, 2011

Diet for having good skin

When season change we feel the need to change skin. With the help of seasonal vegetables can follow a diet that will allow us to lose a few pounds, get back on line by giving brightness to the face and the skin around the body, preventing the appearance of the dreaded wrinkles.

The cold winter, wind and pollution constant dull to the skin, leaving it off and marked. The fresh seasonal vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins involved in the production of collagen giving the skin elasticity and firmness. The fibers induce satiety; we should limit in food intake, slowing the stomach intake of fats, sugars and calories, and help to cleanse the bowel.
The vegetables maintain stable blood glucose, or blood sugar, so the feeling of satiety is still a little longer. The fruit is a food which we is necessary for us.
Before coming to the table then you need to know what to choose and how to prepare. And good orientation in the choice of fruits and vegetables in season rather than first-fruits, if we know its provenance is even better, we give priority all'ortolano trust or to the products of organic farming. We buy the quantities that we believe we will be able to consume the next two day. Then, you begin to decline substances from which we benefit. The plants are grown in greenhouses out of season so they will not have the opportunity to develop antioxidants that we need (or are produced in smaller quantities), may be brought up with fertilizers or treated with preservatives or other substances that nullahanno to do with the world "natural". When we got home we wash everything well under running water, are also keen to soak. Some foods such as asparagus and artichokes, is Mantega longer if required to soak in a basin by way of flowers.

Now, we offer a diet of about 1300 calories a week will lose a few pounds and prevent aging.
The day includes breakfast for 200 ml of semi-skimmed milk and 30 grams of whole grains.
The mid-morning snack every day to 200 grams of fruit
By mid-afternoon as a snack carrots, fennel or tomato juice

Lunch 150 grams of potato dumplings served with tomato and basil, diced tomatoes, 150 chicken breast steamed and 200 grams of salad.
At a dinner of asparagus consommé, an omelet baked with an egg and spinach, boiled green beans side dish of steamed.

Lunch 60 grams of whole wheat pasta topped with 100 gtams of steamed zucchini flavored with mint, 60 grams of dried beef salad with lemon and lettuce and radicchio.
For dinner, a soup of dried beans cooked in shell, with a long-skinned, yellow squash, other vegetables including wild rye, 120 grams of beef tenderloin on the grill, salad of tomatoes and red onion.

Lunch 50 grams of rice topped with artichoke hearts, tomatoes and 150 grams of Jocca Piccadilly (60 grams) and a salad of onions cooked in the oven (250 grams).
For dinner, a soup of carrots and yellow squash (passed to the mixer), turkey (120 grams) roasted first soaked in white vinegar and juniper berries, asparagus side dish of boiled (300 grams).

At lunch pasta with tomato sauce, 80 grams of cottage cheese and tomatoes baked Piccadilly (60 grams), mixed salad (200 grams).
For dinner, vegetable soup, a burger made ​​of veal, fennel salad garnish (300 grams).

Lunch pasta (50 grams) with clams, hake or 160 grams of brotola stewed with tomatoes and capers, vinegar and oregano, lettuce and chicory.
For dinner, vegetable soup, fried squid seasoned with parsley and lemon juice, artichoke side dish of cooked (300 grams).

Lunch rice (50 grams) with vegetables, 160 grams of grilled chicken breast, mixed salad with tomato beef heart.
For dinner, a slice of pizza with vegetables, cherry tomatoes and arugula salad, a small blonde beer.

At lunch pasta with tomato and grilled eggplant, grilled steak 200 grams of baked potato.
For dinner, boiled lettuce, meatballs in broth (200 grams chopped) onions with carrots, celery, artichoke hearts boundary into thin slices marinated in lemon juice, garlic and parsley.