The skin is one of the most important organs of human body. The skin and the exterior of the whole body made up layers of fabrics epitali. The skin and 'the guardian of the supreme body protects the muscles, bones and internal organs.
Some functions of the skin
-Serves isoltante heat for the body.
-Regulates body temperature by controlling the evaporation of perspiration and excretion.
-It serves as a sense of organ when touched, pinched, prodded, etc.. This is due to nerve endings that react to heat and cold as well as to other stimuli.
-It serves as a synthesizer and Vitamin D. It’s a storage center for water.
-It serves as a protector of the body against pathogens.
-Provides water resistance so as not to lose essential nutrients
-Provide us with aesthetic beauty to the body.
The Skin Care and 'become an industry that generates revenue of two billion dollar. The Dermatology and 'become a very popular discipline in medicine since it treats the skin condition. It 'important to maintain a' proper skin hygiene as a dirty skin will be 'more' vulnerable and therefore less able to meet its basic functions and will be 'more prone to develop infections. A bad skin forms scar tissue in an attempt to self-treatment, often leaving the skin in a state of discoloration and depigmentation.
Factors that affect the skin
-Inherit '- some people can have ultra-active sebaceous glands
-Age 'of the skin - with age', the skin becomes more 'subtle, and can' be easily damaged
-Diseases - eczema, ringworm and veshiche are prime examples.
-Ethnicity '- creates differences in the pigmentation of the people. For example, dark skin prevents ultraviolet (UV) light to penetrate into the body.
Skin Care
We categorize in three types in using
-Cleaning - It 'important to keep your skin clean, so as to enable it to fulfill its normal functions. Skin and dirty 'more' susceptible to infections.
-Exfoliation - It 'important rimuovre the dead skin from the outer surface. There are many products on the market that perform this function. However, the wide range of these products, such as those for the treatment of acne, are very expensive.
-Moisturize - this process allows us to maintain hydration in the skin that is not so 'lost. If your skin feel tight, it needs to be hydrated.
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